Tuesday, 28 February 2023

To do or to not do-> Self-publish on Kindle?

With Kindle self-publishing Amazon posting impressive numbers in the last decade, you might be thinking: “Is Amazon KDP still worth it?” Just to reiterate, every author should be on Amazon to some extent.

The only question is whether you should be exclusive to them or not. That’s a choice only you can make after weighing up the pros and cons. 

KDP means Kindle Direct Publishing, is a facility offered by Amazon to self-publish your book absolutely free, without the interference of agents. Readers can either buy physical paper-back books (which is print on demand) or buy e-books to read on Kindle.

KDP saves hassles of looking for an agent, and the time to wait for a traditional publisher to accept and then publish his manuscript and also the manuscript is just as the author wants it to be. Besides the royalty is more. Amazon self-publishing offers different royalty options to self-publishers. The highest you can go is 70% if you price your e-book between $2.99 and $9.99. Most authors prefer to list their books at $6.

Get the e-book cover designed (through children’s book illustrator; if it’s a children’s book), the author’s website created, book trailers made, and more through best book-experts; before publishing your book through KDP. Your book should stand out amongst the millions others available in Amazon. Proper marketing is also necessary. In the end, it boils down to how well you execute your book launch.

If you want to opt into programs like KDP Select, you will not be able to sell your book elsewhere. You need to weigh up the benefits of being exclusive on Amazon VS featuring your book in other stores. Self-publishing, Manchester companies such as White Magic Studios will make your book available to all major distributors, retailers (including Amazon) and libraries over the globe, absolutely free.

Hence, go through all the details and make an informed choice.

Happy writing!

Source: https://bookcoverdesignservicesuk.blogspot.com/2023/02/to-do-or-to-not-do-self-publish-on.html

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